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Newsletters 2007

November 7, 2007
Where We Put Our Anger
God's Immanent Presence
A Prayer for Dealing with Anger
Will I be punished if I am angry at God because I feel angry and alone?

October 31, 2007
Fear Not
Taking Risks
A Prayer for Soldiers
What if I strongly disagree with the views of someone else who professes to be a Christian?

October 24, 2007
God's Healing Spirit
Restored to Faith
Healing Prayer
How could depression lead to a richer spiritual life?

October 17, 2007
Lose Yourself in God
Praying for God's Presence
What if I don't know how to pray?

October 10, 2007
Strength to Serve
Transformed for the World
A Prayer for Stillness
What is holiness?

October 3, 2007
The Communion of Saints
Praying by Heart
How can I know what God wants me to do with my life?

September 26, 2007
Called to Compassion
My Purpose in Life: A Journaling Practice
How can Christianity be a religion of love when "Christians" so often condemn those whose lifestyle and views differ from their own?

September 19, 2007
Radical Trust
Moving Closer to God
What proof is there that Christianity is not a myth created to assuage our fears about death?

September 12, 2007
Ways of Seeking the Truth
Love at Ground Zero
Why does God let bad things happen in the world?

September 5, 2007
Living the Questions
A Prayer for Coping with Doubt
What if I'm not certain what I believe?

August 29, 2007
God's Unfinished Business
A Prayer for Making Decisions
What if Christian teachings fill me with feelings of guilt and worthlessness?

August 22, 2007
The Power of Love
A Prayer for Friends
Why do portrayals of Jesus differ so radically?

August 15, 2007
Music, Film and Meditation
Art & Soul
Spirit Songs

August 8, 2007
How do I pray?
Vacationing with God
Creating Sacred Space

August 1, 2007
Of God and the Earth
Wendell Berry: Life and Work
What is holiness?

July 25, 2007
More Good Books that will Change your Life
Thomas Merton: Writing a Life of Faith
Signposts Daily Devotions

July 18, 2007
Our need for Diversity
Prayer for Vacation
Using music to hear the Holy

July 11, 2007
Holy Leisure
How do I spend time with God?
Explore your faith in Community

July 4, 2007
Prayer for Freedom
What if I strongly disagree with the views of someone who professes to be a Christian?

June 27, 2007
Books that will Change your Life
Recommended Summer Reading
Q & A with Author Amy-Jill Levine

June 20, 2007
Spending Time with God
Practicing Holiness on Ordinary Days
What is the power of prayer?

June 13, 2007
God's Beloved Family
Bookshelf: Born Again and Again: Surprising Gifts of a Fundamentalist Childhood
by Jon M. Sweeney
How can the God of judgment and punishment, as often portrayed in the Old Testament, be reconciled with the concept of a God of love?

June 6, 2007
Our Thirst for God
Sacred Landscapes
Who was the woman at the well in the Bible and did she have a name? What good part did she play in Jesus' life when they met there?

May 30, 2007
Speaking of Spirituality...
Daily Thoughts for the Pentecost Season
Sometimes I feel like God is mad and will not do what I ask him to do.

May 23, 2007
The Spirit Within
Come Holy Spirit
What is Pentecost and what difference does it make in our lives today?

May 16, 2007
God's Beloved Community
Where God Happens
The Divine Hours

May 9, 2007
God's Familiar Love
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Healing Prayer Podcast
Praying in Color

May 2, 2007
Saints, Prophets, and Spiritual Guides
A Prayer for Life's Journey
How do I pray?

April 25, 2007
Glimpses of God
Radical Faith
How can I know when it is God who is speaking to me?

April 18, 2007
On earth as it is in heaven
Guided prayer podcast
What can Christians learn from other religions?

April 11, 2007
Living the Risen Life
Practicing Resurrection
Isn't searching for the God within just an excuse for narcissism?

April 4, 2007
The End and the Beginning
A Prayer for Good Friday
What is the story and meaning of Maundy Thursday?

March 28, 2007
Our Spiritual Seasons
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
Sorting it Out
What is Holy Eucharist and why is it so significant?

March 21, 2007
Turning Things Around
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
Finding Your Gifts
How Can I Live the Life of Faith?

March 14, 2007
Hearing God's Voice
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
Soul Friends
Is it necessary to be a part of a religious community in order to fully experience a relationship with God?

March 7, 2007
Receiving More from God
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
How can the God of judgment and punishment, as often portrayed in the Old Testament, be reconciled with a God of love?

February 28, 2007
The Source of All Truth
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
What is the point of asking theological questions? Can Wwe ever really know the answers?

February 21, 2007
Transformed by Grace
Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection
What do the ashes of Ash Wednesday signify?

February 14, 2007
Valentines from God
Pocket Prayers
How can God love us when we consistently fail to follow His word?

February 7, 2007
Simply Getting from Sunday to Monday
Praying like a Child
Questions and Answers about Meditation

January 31, 2007
Connecting to God Every Day
Your Spiritual Profile

January 24, 2007
The Transforming Faith of C.S. Lewis
A Prayer for Life's Journey
Do Christians believe followers of other religions are doomed?

January 17, 2007
Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nobody Lives without Fear
Which of the religious rules is the most important to follow?

January 10, 2007
How Do You Experience the Holy?
What is meant by the grace of God?
Being like Jesus

January 3, 2007
Nourishing New Life
Being Present
Loving the Questions
Is believing certain creeds really what Christianity is all about?


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