Signposts |
As in water face reflects face, so the
person's heart reveals the person.
—Proverbs 27:19
Facing who we are, no matter how inadequate we have
come to believe ourselves to be, is the beginning of living an
authentic, real, honest and beautiful life. And, it's the only
way to truly make a difference in the lives of others.
more of this Signpost
The Divine Hours |
These moments connect them to the Divine, and to the
countless others who are also pausing to pray the prayers
designated for that hour, on that day.
more about Fixed-Hour Prayer
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God's Beloved Community |
Voices of Faith
We are in fact in community with everyone in
the world who worships God, who seeks faith,
who believes that good is better than evil.
The word community comes from the same
root that gives us the word communication,
and the word Communion.
We are, usually
for better, occasionally for worse, all part
of one another.
God's answer to the human predicament was to
create a new community, to start a family. We
as individuals gain our identity by belonging
to the community, and the community finds
fulfillment in the growth and healing of the
individual. Each nurtures the other. And the
bread of life nurtures all of us.
from Community:
Where the Holy Spirit Hangs Out
by The Rev. William A. Kolb
Oasis: A Place to Meditate
New possibilities lie before us like the
pages of a book. Lost energy is regained,
frayed hopes are mended, the darkness of
sadness is turned to joy, and the future
stands before us with new potential.
Journaling Question:
Who are the people who could be of most help
to me as I seek to live into the newness I
feel growing within me?
Journaling as a Spiritual Practice for Easter
Week 6
…even as the monks and nuns were
fleeing one community, they were already forming another,
one that would be less about controlling access to God
and more about opening doors to healing and the fullness of life
that Christ makes possible (John 10:10).
In short, they believed that, "Insofar as you open such
doors for another, you gain God, in the sense that you
become a place where God happens for somebody else."
more of Kevin Miller's review of
Where God Happens…
by Rowan Williams
Living Easter
"Today God loves the world through us,
God keeps loving the world
by sending us into the world,
to be God's love, God's compassion."
—Mother Teresa of Calcutta
from A
Thought a Day
for the 50 Days of Easter