February 14, 2007

Reflections for Your Journey

In this issue
  • Valentines from God
  • Pocket Prayers
  • Send an e-valentine from explorefaith
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • Donate Today
  • Spread the Love!

  • Pocket Prayers

    Help me see through your eyes today, O God, so only love will come forth from my soul.

    O God, may those who feel the pain of loneliness know that your love is always with them.

    In moments of stillness turn my heart toward you, O God.

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    Pocket Prayers

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    How can God love us when we consistently fail to follow His Word?

    God's love for me, for each and all of us, is not based on my or our performance (Thanks be to God), but on the revealed nature of the heart of God.

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    Valentines from God

    What Love Does
    God is desperately in love with you and with me and with all creation. There is no turning back. For in Christ, God has made an irrevocable commitment to us, an irrevocable commitment to loving us. And you might say that in Christ, God has indeed shouted this love from the highest hill and from the highest heaven.

    This is what love does. It recognizes the value in the other. It trusts in the capacity for good and for growth in the other. And on behalf of the other, it refuses to give up hope.

    I believe that to love in this way is the vocation of each and every one of us who would call ourselves Christians. And yet if we were ever to be taken into court and convicted of actually being Christians, I wonder if there would be enough evidence to convict us?

    from The Gift and the Burden of Love
    by The Rev. Margaret B. Gunness

    Love on the 
Computer keyboard
    Love Songs for God
    Next time youíre in the car listening to the radio and you hear a song that has something to do with love and affection and romance, see if you can say, "That song is being played right now for me to sing to you, Lord God.For me to dedicate these few moments in the car to you, Lord God." You can practice the presence of God even with the radio on.

    from God is Trying to Send You Valentines Every Day
    by The Rev. Dr. Daniel P. Matthews

    Oasis: Meditate with Music
    The beauty and awe-filled wonder of music creates a place of hospitality where we can be with God and reflect on God's love for us and all humanity.

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    Meditate with Music

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