Prayer for the Earth |
Gracious God, we thank you for the earth, our home
as we journey through our human life. Its miracles
are too many to number, and its fragility too easy to
dismiss. Help us honor and revere its wonders so
that we protect and care for it…
more of this prayer
Read more Prayers
for Living
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
What is
The holiness of God is both the majesty of God
incarnate and the wonder of God beyond sight.
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We extend thanks to all our recent donors, and
special gratitude to those who chose to make
recurring donations each month. Your generosity
encourages and sustains us.
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Of God and Earth |
This Palpable World
…by virtue of the Creation
and, still more, of the Incarnation, nothing here below
is profane for those who know how to see.
—Pierre Teilhard de
Do you know how to see? How to gaze with awe into
a clear, nighttime sky? Or how to notice the fragile
courage of the first crocus? Or to wonder at the
symmetry of a snowflake or the complexity of a new-
born child?
Not one of these is
profane—each has an
aura of the sacred. This palpable world is indeed a
holy place.
As we each go through our daily work and activities,
we would indeed be wonderfully enriched if we stop
to recall that this earthly habitat, this earthly home, is
sacred—to remember that whatever we do,
we care for the earth or spoil it, at the same time, we
honor or dishonor God.
by Margaret Gunness
more about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Photograph courtesy of the Fondation
Teilhard de Chardin
Here and Now
The kingdom of God is available to you in the here
and the now. But the question is whether you are
available to the kingdom. Our practice is to make
ourselves ready for the kingdom so that it can
manifest in the here and the now.
You don't need to die in order to enter the kingdom of
heaven. In fact, you have to be truly alive in order to
do so. It's not too difficult. Just breathe in and bring
your mind back to your body. That is the practice of
from Walking
with Peace and Presence
by Thich Nhat Hanh
explorefaith book review Wendell Berry: Life and Work
Sustainable living, urban gardening, solar heating,
alternative energy, hybrid cars-these are water-
cooler conversations, today. Back in the 60s and 70s
when (Wendell Berry) WB first began arguing for
such things, he was more easily dismissed. Not now.
Read more of this
Purchase a copy of Wendell
Berry: Life and Work from