A Prayer for Friends |
Gracious God, I ask your
blessing on all my friends who have given of their
own heart and soul to deepen and strengthen my
Read more of this
See other Prayers
for Living
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
Explore your Faith
Why do
portrayals of Jesus differ so radically?
Look at the essence of Jesus. He summarized all the
Law and the Prophets with the Great Commandment:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind
and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."
Explore God's Love
Where do I
look to find God in this world of tragedy and pain?
In our emotional distresses God comes to us through
a friend, a family member, a counselor, or a minister
to offer us encouragement. God is there through
those who care. In moments of deep need, God
comes in a mysterious way to give us courage.
Read more
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The Power of Love |
God sends us out to share the good news of love that
requires no quid pro quo.
God sends us to love our
neighbor (even the ones we know real well!) even if
our neighbor does not love us.That is the
only thing
that distinguishes a Christian (or other people of faith
and hope) from those who live without hope.
can love those who love them. It is when we walk our
road with wolves attacking from time to time but come
to the end of our road still trusting, still reaching out,
still believing that people can be good and that even
wolves can change.
from Who
Are Your Heroes?
by the Rev. William A. Kolb
The Process of Love
A deep belief in the power of love means that we
must make a commitment to keep on giving even
when we cannot see any immediate results. Love,
after all, is not just an isolated act—it is a
process that flows out of an attitude of optimism and
So what do I do in those moments
when I don't feel like pouring my energy into loving
acts? Keep on doing them! Have we not learned that
love is not just a feeling but also an action?
in the Process of Love
by The Rev. Dr. Brooks Ramsey

The Presence of Love
We really cannot turn anyone away from the
hospitality of our hearts, because that very one may
be one of the disguised angels. When we are
tempted to narrow our friendships, exclude those
who are different from us, busy ourselves with no one
but those who form our small network, then we risk
missing the Divine Presence in our midst.
from Thinking
of Angels:
Devotions by Ren#é