May 23, 2007

Reflections for Your Journey

In this issue
  • The Spirit Within
  • Prayers for Living
  • For Our Service Men and Women
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • Come HOME to explorefaith.org!
  • Donate Today

  • Prayers for Living

    A Prayer for Staying Spiritually Centered

    Gracious God, it seems that what most holds my attention are those things and people that I can see, touch, hear, and feel. Yet, in the moments of my day when my mind is still, my soul is quiet, and my breath is slow and even, I can almost detect a whiff of your presence.

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    For Our Service Men and Women

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    What is Pentecost and what difference does it make in our lives today?

    Pentecost is the Church's celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit. It comes from the realization that God's very life, breath and energy lives in, with and among us. Those who are Christians experience this life through Jesus because they see the Spirit so fully manifest in him.

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    The Spirit Within
    Dandelion blowing

    Sometimes we wonder if we even have the Holy Spirit within us.

    The Holy Spirit lives in you, strengthens you, guides you, teaches you, and moves you. The only question is whether you are willing to abandon yourself to the power of that Spirit within you.

    There are three characteristics of the release of the Holy Spirit in our lives:

    1. The release of the Spirit is unbidden—there is nothing we can do to make it happen. We cannot will to feel compassion, or force ourselves to have our heart moved, or work to achieve the power of the Spirit. It arises without our effort—in that, it is pure grace.
    2. The release of the Holy Spirit is unexpected — there is always a quality of surprise about the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is not something you can prepare for, or even look forward to, though you can be on the lookout for it.
    3. The release of the Holy Spirit in our lives is un-self-conscious— we feel what we feel—love, compassion, tenderness, gentleness, hopefulness, loving kindness, because it is happening in us without our effort.

    from How to Recognize
    the Holy Spirit in Your Life

    by The Rev. Canon Renée Millerr

    Scene from the film 
Chocolat Strong Love
    Our God models for us a love so strong that it creates something new, unwieldy and beautifully creative—the Holy Spirit. If we believe that we are created in the image of God, and that imitating God is a worthwhile endeavor, then we could expect that something new, holy, and Spiritlike would come from each of our loving relationships.

    from Come Holy Spirit
    by Bonnie Malone

    Inspired to Serve
    …Shortly after the "rushing of wind" into that place where they were staying, the Disciples began to speak in many tongues, in preparation for the spreading of the Gospel to other parts of the world. In short, the Disciples became inspired.

    With the presence of the Spirit, the Disciples' lives are radically changed and now have the conviction and courage to stand firm in the Faith and preach the Gospel. The Church celebrates the season of Pentecost as a reminder and reaffirmation of God's call to each of us to serve faithfully in the world.

    from Come Holy Ghost
    by The Rev. Allen F. Robinson

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