Faith is yet another avenue to knowledge; it
is not an
alternative to knowledge. Therefore, in
making up your mind
about the great alternate questions, I invite you to a kind of
openness that
believes that truth is more important than
anything else, and
that God is the source of all truth.
If you will be honest in your asking, seeking
and knocking, if
you'll open the windows of your soul 360
degrees and know
that God has ways of making God's own reality
known to
us through the capacity of faith, there will
come…God's moment when God will make God's
own reality known to you in ways that are
authentic. It will be something from the
outside in and not
from the inside out.
from The
Reality of Faith
by The Rev. Dr. John R. Claypool
True Lenten Discipline
This, I believe, is how Lent is meant to
unfold. It's not so
much a time of deprivation as it is a time of
deepening, not a
time of sorrow only but a time of gratitude
as well, not a time
of solitude only but a time of companionship
also, not a time
for discipline alone, but a time to become a
disciple and to
walk along with Christ, together in deep
from Walking
with Christ
The Rev. Margaret Gunness
True Faith
True Faith is not the product of our search
for God but our
recognition of the fact that, during every
moment of our life,
we are constantly encountering God’s faith in
from What
Can I Know for Certain?
by The Rev. Dr. Robert R. Hansel