October 3, 2007

Reflections for Your 

In this issue
  • The Communion of Saints
  • Prayers to Pray by Heart: Collect for Purity
  • Send an e-card from explorefaith
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • Without a Doubt…

  • Prayers to Pray by Heart: Collect for Purity

    Almighty God,
    to you all hearts are open,
    all desires known,
    and from you no secrets are hid:
    Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
    by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
    that we may perfectly love you,
    and worthily magnify your holy Name;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    from Read more memorable prayers

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    How can I know what God wants me to do with my life?

    The call of God is always for us to live with noble purpose, with love as our highest motivation.

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    Without a Doubt…

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    The Communion of Saints
    Celtic cross at dawn

    Looking through the lens of Celtic Christianity, the communion of saints is downright homey. Following the witness of the early church, the stories and prayers from the churches of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany and Cornwall offer us a sense of the nearness and familiarity of the saints. These are holy presences who walk with us, guide us, befriend us, pray for us. We are never alone. We are never without the intercession of the saints in Christ. We are never without their company. We are continually within a reality in which the saints are close at hand.

    from Keeping House Among the Cloud of Saints
    by Mary Earle

    St. Francis of Assisi Praying by Heart
    St. Francis very often prayed by heart, which means that the words of prayers reverberated inside of him. He memorized them, or he simply remembered them as a result of repetition, so that their words could be easily on his lips, and so that in mystical ways, they would pray themselves for him, inside of him, like our heart, which also beats involuntarily. We can do the same.

    Read St. Francis' favorite prayers

    Enduring Ties
    Maybe you know of some stories about the remembered or sensed presence of someone now dead who seemed to bring courage or hope to someone alive. Maybe there are some who inspired you and whom you would not want to disappoint. Although they may be far away or no longer alive, you sense an enduring tie of obligation to them. Maybe there are stories of those who have been models of inspiration to you. You would like to be like them.

    from What We Can Learn from the Saints
    by Molly Wolf & Lowell Grisham

Companions by Mary Earle and Sylvia Maddox
    For more information on Celtic spirituality, read Holy Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints by frequent explorefaith contritbutors Mary C. Earle and Sylvia Maddox.

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