November 7, 2007

Reflections for Your 

In this issue
  • Where We Put Our Anger
  • Prayer for Dealing with Anger
  • Send an e-card from explorefaith
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
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  • Prayer for Dealing with Anger

    Gracious God, sometimes anger seems so near to the surface of my life. Help me let go, not only of the anger, but of what made me angry in the first place. Let me breathe deep the wonder and peace of love.

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    Will I be punished if I am angry at God because I feel miserable and alone?

    We can be completely honest toward God with our thoughts and feelings. And God is big enough to take it all. God won't punish us for being hurt and angry, even hurt and angry at God.

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    Where We Put Our Anger
    Cross at dawn

    There is an ancient spiritual truth that is also confirmed by modern psychiatry. If you do not have a place to put your anxiety, you will project it onto others; if you do not have a place to put your anger, you will project it onto others; if you do not have a place to put your fear, you will project it onto others.

    For us as Christians, the place we put our anxiety, anger and fear is on the cross of Jesus. If we can do that, we can live in peace as people of faith, people of hope, people of love.

    from The Miracles Within: God Turns
    Anxiety to Faith, Anger to Hope, Fear to Love

    by The Rev. Lowell E. Grisham

    The Energy of Anger
    Our fear, our anger are not our enemies; they are us. We have to treat our fear, our anger in a most non-violent way, the most non-dualistic way, like we are treating our own baby.

    So if you are a good practitioner of meditation, you will know exactly what to do when the seed of anger is watered and begins to manifest in the upper level of your consciousness. With the practice of mindful breathing or mindful walking, you generate the energy of mindfulness, and exactly with that energy, you can recognize the energy of anger, of fear in you.

    from Mindfulness of Ourselves,
    Mindfulness of Others

    by Thich Nhat Hanh

    God is 
with us God's Immanent Presence
    Because God is immanent we need never go through any experience believing that no one cares, no one understands, no one will feel the pain with us. Not even when we feel alone. Not even when it seems we have been abandoned by those who said they loved us. Not even when the trials of life seem more than we can bear. Not even when our anger and agony are so deep as to be beyond words.

    God can be with us, understand us, and feel our pain, because God became a human—a human baby wrapped in swaddling cloths. God "walked the talk."

    from Passages: God is with Us
    by Renee Miller

    How Can 
I Let Go if I Don't Know I'm Holding On? How Can I Let Go if I Don't Know I'm Holding On?
    Weaving together her own experiences and the stories of others, Linda Douty offers specific strategies for letting go of all the things that keep us from a deeper relationship with God and with others.

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