Sorting It Out |
The way to navigate through the activities and demands
that scatter our soul is to take the time to be in the
presence of the Holy One. It doesnít matter what prayers
we use, only that we pray. If we take time each day to
simply stop whatever weíre doing and step into the space of
the soul where God waits, our soul will be nourished, our
faith deepened, and our relationship with the One who
created and loved us into being strengthened.
God, today, help me listen to the longing of my soul to be
in your presence and give me the grace to come to you.
from Sorting it Out:
Daily Tools for Lenten Reflection
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
What is Holy
Eucharist and why is it so significant?
Ordinary bread and the wine become, by the grace of God,
the body and blood of the Christ. In this timeless, eternal
food, the Christ of faith is present with us.
Read more
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Our Spiritual Seasons |
For those of us hostage to the urban landscape, who pay
little attention to the seasons, who rely upon the weather
channel or to forecast the weather for us,
those of us who proceed from one appointment to the next
oblivious to our environment, oblivious to the turning of
seasons, oblivious to the colors of plants—for us the
church's recognition of the 40 days of Lent becomes a
reminder that we cannot experience the Easter tide of
resurrection and renewal until we first go through a period
of disequilibrium, of dying, of shedding, of letting go, of
You cannot experience spring
until you have first experienced winter. You cannot experience
Easter, Resurrection Sunday, until you first experience Lent.
from Our
Spiritual Seasons
by The Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems
Moving Forward Together
I know this about life goals: the aims that last a whole life
long and that continue to inspire us year after year have
their source not in our own human aspirations, but in
responding to the built-in motivations that resonate from
God's Spirit within us.
In Gethsemane's Garden, praying in those last desperate
hours before the crucifixion, Jesus said, "Not my will, but
Yours be done." I read that verse to mean something like,
"My will and Yours have become completely one, and so
we move forward together."
from What
Are You Looking For?
by Bob Hansel
Letting Go
Letting go is not condoning hurtful behavior. Letting go is not
behavior modification. Letting go is not being "above it all." It
is loosening our grip on attachments. It is a profound
spiritual process that removes barriers to our true selves
and our communion with God.
It is making ourselves available to serve a marginalized and
hurting world. It is entering into the process of loss and gain
that literally shapes our lives here on earth and places us in
harmony with creation as God ordained it.
from How
Can I Let Go
If I Don't
Know I'm
Holding On?
by Linda Douty