January 24, 2007

Reflections for Your Journey

In this issue
  • The Transforming Faith of C.S. Lewis
  • Prayers for Living
  • Send an e-card from explorefaith.org
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • Your Spiritual Profile
  • Support explorefaith

  • Prayers for Living

    A Prayer for Life's Journey
    Gracious God, sometimes I see my life as an unsolvable puzzle. My days move along rapidly, but the people and situations I encounter seem to make no sense.

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    Do Christians believe followers of other religions are doomed?

    C.S. Lewisóauthor of the vastly popular book Mere Christianity, among many othersósaid there are people who call themselves Christians who are not Christian at all; there are other "Christians" who are moving further away from Christ all the time.

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    The Transforming Faith of C.S. Lewis
    C.S. Lewis

    Searching for Deeper Truth Lewis was the first modern writer who challenged me about Christian faith. He knocked me off my pins. I was an inquirer thenóa seeker in todayís parlance. Yet up to that point, what I had read on faith was rather safe and traditional. Lewis, by contrast, stunned me.

    from Lewis and Me

    Doorway Home Improvements
    In Mere Christianity, [Lewis] compares the human spirit to a house that needs improvement… Speaking about spiritual transformation, he pictures the change that comes about through grace as an enormous work of renovation.

    Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing…But presently he starts knocking the house about…What on earth is he up to? You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but he is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself.

    Read more on C.S. Lewis
    by Emilie Griffin

    Made for a Better Place
    C.S. Lewis suggests that part of the way God guides us in our wandering lives is to plant in us a kind of homing device, a bone-deep instinct for heaven. All those lonely moments when we feel alienated from our surroundings, when we know ourselves to be strangers in a strange land, are reminders from God that this world is not our ultimate home. As marvelous as the earth is, we were made for a better place.

    from "Homesick"
    by Deborah Smith Douglas
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    Journaling with C.S. Lewis
    Images from the writings of C.S. Lewis lead us to discover the deeper truth about ourselves, the world and God.

    "You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.—
    The Silver Chair

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