A Prayer for Good Friday |
Today, on the quietest day of the year, we have come to sit
in the presence of one who was fully who God created him
to be every day of his life—who loved God with all his
heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, and with
all his mind—and who loved his friends so much that
he stepped into the oncoming traffic of death in order to
push them out of the way.
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Looking Toward Easter:
Meaning of the Words of Good Friday
by the Reverend Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor
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These days at the end of Jesus' life were
remembered in
detail by his followers and became the basis for Christian
more of Tom Ehrichís
Holy Week overview
Christianity FAQ |
What is the story and
meaning of Maundy Thursday?
The Thursday of Holy Week is known as ìMaundy
Thursday,î referring to the Latin word for commandment,
mandatum. In these last days of his life, Jesus both states
and enacts his new commandment, that we love one
another as he has loved us. To show the disciples what he
means, he washes their feet. These feet would have been
dusty, cracked, lined. A servant would normally have taken
a basin and washed the feet of guests arriving for a meal.
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The End and the Beginning |
Palm Sunday
Then Jesus entered Jerusalem, and went
into the temple.
—Mark 11:11
Holy Week invites us to know the narrative of these final
days experientially. Enter the week, enter the story. And
listen with your deepest self as the events of the week
Holy Monday
There they gave a dinner for him.
— John 12:2
Each of us has a need for a Martha or a Mary or a Lazarus
—for a friend who will let us be, who will let us say, "I am
scared to my bones." Or "I am going to suffer." Or "I am
going to die." When we encounter such friends, we know
something of the presence of God in our midst…
Holy Tuesday
I have come as light into the world.
—John 12:46
Oddly enough, Holy Week, for all of its moments of violence
and ruthless politics, is also a time for remembering that
Jesus comes as Light into this world. He comes into those
moments in our lives when things are suddenly fraught with
forces beyond our control, when we sense we may lose
our grip on reality, when everything seems alien to our
yearning for a world in which respect and kindness
Holy Wednesday
I give you a new commandment, that you
love one another.
— John 13:34
Being with one another, through the many twists and turns
that life brings to us, allows us to embody Godís own life in
the world. When we are with one another in both darkness
and light, sorrow and joy, we are living the new
Maundy Thursday
Then Jesus poured water into a basin and
began to wash the disciplesí feet and to wipe them with the
towel that was tied around him.
— John 13:5
Love one another. Wash one anotherís feet. Feed one
another. In those actions you will discover the very life of
God, dwelling there with you, waiting to be discovered and
Good Friday
Then he bowed his head and gave up his
A mystery is revealed to us this dayóthe mystery of divine
love that permeates every moment of human life and