Prayers to Learn by Heart |
Collect for Purity
Almighty God, to you all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from you no secrets are hid…
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Daily Thoughts for Lenten Reflection |
Jesus told them, ìYou have a saying that
goes, ëRed sky at night, sailorís delight; red sky at morning,
sailors take warning.í You find it easy enough to forecast
the weatherówhy canít you read the signs of the times?íî
—Matthew 16:3
The Message Bible
from When We
Are Real:
A Daily Thought for Lenten Reflection
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
How can the God of
judgment and punishment, as often portrayed in the Old
Testament, be reconciled with the concept of a God of
Each religion has its reference point as to how the
benevolence of the Creator enters and has entered the
material world of time and space. For Christianity this
reference point is Jesus Christ.
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Amazing Grace |

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must admit that John
Newton's hymn "Amazing Grace" has always had a grip on
my heartstrings.
of Jon Sweeneyís review of the film Amazing Grace
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Receiving More from God |
It behooves you and me to constantly try to take that
with which we see God and make it more of a wide-
lens rather than a telephoto lens.
We want to expand it as much
as we
can so that we might receive from God more than we
ever received from God before in our lives. The more
can do this, the more we're blessed by the enormity of
presence of God's love and compassion and
acceptance of
me and of you.
Jesus had a fisheye lens of God. He was constantly
exhorting the people in his day to think bigger about
nature of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
everything he said was challenging people and
them think a little differently about how they had
God in their tradition.
>From What is Your Concept of God? by
What is Your Concept of God?
by The Rev. Dr. Daniel P. Matthews
Ask, Seek, and Knock
We are unable to see all the nuances, subtle needs
intricate patterns of our lives that shift like mirrors in a
kaleidoscope. But the Holy One who created us in the
tenderness of unconditional love not only sees those
nuances, needs, and patterns, but is ready to care for
in ways more meaningful and lasting than we could
imagine on our own. God always has our best interest
heart. And yet, we are told to ask and seek and knock.
from A
Month of Devotions to Help You Pray: Day 3
by RenÈe Miller
Endless Possibilities
Lent invites us to re-enter the school of life and be
in the endless possibilities for growth. Take time this
to try out discipline with a new intention, and find the
opening up to you.
Ask yourself and God:
What is life trying to teach me and how open am I
from Journaling
as a Spiritual Practice for Lent: Week 3