A Prayer for Coping with Doubt |
Gracious God, I feel so
uncertain, so unsure. I want to trust that you are real
and present, that you are acting on my behalf, that
you hear and will answer my prayers.
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See other Prayers
for Living
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
What if I'm not
certain what I believe?
The whole enterprise of faith involves "turning things
over to God" rather than being certain on our own.
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Without a Doubt… |
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Living the Questions |
truth, doubt is simply the other side of faith. One can't
really exist without the other. They are twin movements in
our understanding of God and ourselves. There is no need to
fear doubt, because doubt actually helps you make sense of
what you believe. It causes you to question, search, and look
for answers.
Tip to Try:
Visit a church or other holy place that is completely different
from the one in which you have participated, in order to give
yourself an experience of God that is outside your familiar
understanding. from
You are Troubled by Doubt
by Renée Mlller
Trusting in Doubt
The core of active faith is to trust even when we're not sure,
even when it seems impossible or improbable, even when the
evidence doesn't support it. There will always be times when
we are certain we are praying to a God who hears, and there
will be times when we are sure we are only talking to ourselves,
but active faith calls us simply to keep praying no matter
what our doubts or our certainties are.
Tip to Try:
Take 5 minutes to read Mark 9: 17-27. After reading, simply
let your soul repeat, "Lord, I believe; but help my unbelief."
and Doubt
by Renée Mlller
Beyond Belief
Stepping outside of what you know in order to glimpse what
you do not know does not necessarily lead you to a point of
forsaking your religious convictions. Rather, stepping out
is a sign that you are on the search for God-God's self.
Tip to Try:
Write down three things that cause you to wonder about
the truth of your belief system. >From
by Renee Miller
Your Belief System
by Renée Mlller