Welcome to this week's Reflections Newsletter.
Reflections for Your Journey |
The Nature of God
God is good, not evil. God is love, God is mercy, God is
forgiveness, God is manna in the desert, God is hope.
When we see love or goodness, we are seeing God. It
makes sense, therefore, to thank God for goodness.
When good things happen, we feel at least a bit of the awe
that frightened Hebrews felt when they went out in the morning
and found manna on the ground. How wonderful it is to live in
a world where goodness exists.
When we pray, we pray for more of that goodness?for healing,
for forgiveness, for compassion, for justice. Thus, we pray to
God that God be God.
That's why the earliest name for God was Yahweh,
meaning something like ?God will be who God will be.?
When bad things happen, we are tempted to blame God or
to feel abandoned by God.
That misreads what Scripture says about God. Scripture says
that God is love, not that God is love and hate.
God allows a world in which hatred can exist, but that
doesn't make God the source of hatred.
by Tom Ehrich
from "What Are You Asking?"
Why do we praise Jesus or God
whenever something GOOD happens
but are never
supposed to blame God when something bad happens?
Finding Jesus, Discovering Self |
An Interview with Caren Goldman co-author
(with William Dols) of Finding
Jesus, Discovering
Self: Passages to Healing and Wholeness
This book was not written just for Christians. It is for those
wishing to learn new ways of looking at the world around them,
and inside them, using the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
In the following excerpts from our interview, Caren Goldman
talks about her own
experience with these stories both as a Jewish woman and as
someone who has written about spirituality and healing for
more than 30 years. ...
Q. Why do you, a Jewish woman who was both raised
and actively practices her faith, choose to write about Jesus?
A. The most direct answer is that Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew.
Part of the problem in the Jewish community with the ?J? word
or ?that man? exists because many Holocaust survivors and
those born in the post Holocaust era were brought up not to
ever?under any circumstances?mention Jesus? name. ...
Q. What advice do you have for those who have a hard
connecting to scripture?
A. Put your old tapes and the layers of other people?s answers
what the text means on a shelf. It?s your shelf, so you can take
what is yours off of it any time you want to. ...
Spiritual Direction: What it is and what it isn't |
There seems to be an explosion of interest in the ancient
spiritual practice of spiritual direction.
In response, the following questions and answers may
prove helpful.
Q: In Spiritual Direction, does someone "direct" my spirit by
telling me how to conduct my spiritual life and practice?
A: Despite the way "spiritual direction" sounds, it is not one
person telling another what to do.Rather, it is one person
helping another listen to what the Spirit of God is already doing
in his/her life. ...
Q: Why do people seek spiritual direction?
... Most of us live our spiritual lives in the mind - thinking,
believing, analyzing, judging, evaluating---but not actually
experiencing the reality of a relationship with God. ...
Q: How is spiritual direction different from therapy and
A: Generally speaking, therapy and counseling are problem-
oriented - that is, one seeks help to resolve a particular issue.
By contrast, spiritual direction has as its goal the
discernment of God's presence and action in one's life. ...
by Linda Douty
from "Spiritual Direction:
What it is and what it isn't"
Thoughts on Pilgrimage |
Sacred Journeys and Spiritual Destinations
Exploring pilgrimage sites as diverse as The Community of
Jesus in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Elvis Presley's
Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.
They write about places from which they left changed,
places that offer a chance for stepping closer to God.
by Deborah Smith Douglas
Go Forth
The novelist Kurt Vonnegut tells us that ?an unexpected
travel invitation is a dancing lesson from God.?
So, too, do the unlooked-for opportunities of our lives often
prove to be. ...
Sometimes we fall, and must be helped to rise again.
And sometimes we are caught in a trap, ensnared in a peril
we did not see coming. ...
Life is always shifting and your soul flows with that shift. The
desert more than other landscape makes this real. ...
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in Abbeys and Monasteries
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