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Partner Program



St. Paul's Episcopal Church

St. Bedes Episcopal Church
Menlo Park

Morton United Methodist Church

All Saints Church

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

New Jersey
St. John's Episcopal Church
Little Silver

North Carolina
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

North Dakota
St. Michael and All Angels
Gethsemane Episcopal Cathedral
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Trinity Cathedral
Christ Episcopal Church
Shaker Heights
Trinity Church

Rhode Island
Grace Church

South Carolina
Providence Baptist Church

Calvary Episcopal Church
Church of the Holy Communion
First Congregational Church
Idlewild Presbyterian Church

St. James Episcopal Church

St. Martin's Episcopal Church
Moses Lake

explore your faith in community

The Partners listed below actively support the explorefaith.org Internet ministry. Find out how you can become an explorefaith Partner.

Partner Listing

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
100 Church Drive, 36830 • (334) 887-9506 (Locate with Mapquest)
We pride ourselves on our tolerance for a wide variety of opinions. We invite inquiry into the most diverse and disturbing problems that confront people today.


St. Mary’s-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church
1910 12th Avenue South, 35205 (205) 933-1140 (Locate with Mapquest)
St. Mary’s mission is to serve God by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Parish and into the world by worshipping in the Anglican tradition, by faithfully administering the sacraments, and by ministering to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of our Parish family and our community.


Hope Presbyterian Church
10001 Bailey Cove Road, 35803 (256) 881-4673 (Locate with Mapquest)
Hope Church celebrates unity in its diversity of affiliation with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We welcome any and all seekers, recognizing that we also are seekers on the Journey of Faith.



Episcopal Church of the Redeemer
1100 S. Cody Road, 36695 (251) 639-1948 (Locate with Mapquest)
Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is a growing congregation in West Mobile. Our mission is to serve and be served in the name of Christ.


St. John's Episcopal Church
113 Madison Avenue, 36104 (334) 262-1937 (Locate with Mapquest)
The house of worship for a current congregation numbering over nine hundred, St. John's takes pride in being one of Alabams's most enduring landmarks, and looks forward to a future as vibrant as its past.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church
224 N East Ave, 72701 (479) 442-7373 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a people trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who loved the outcast, healed the hurting, and called us into a way of life that seeks to help us become more trusting, more courageous, and more loving as we grow into the wonderful mystery of our relationship with God and one another.


Corona del Mar

St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church
3233 Pacific View Drive, 92625
(949) 644-0463 • (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.

Menlo Park

St. Bedes Episcopal Church
650 Sand Hill Rd, 94025
(650) 854-6555 • (Locate with Mapquest)
Conveniently located on Sand Hill Road near Stanford University, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church invites you to join us for worship, education, arts and fun. We help people of all ages and stages grow in faith, community and service.


Christ the King Episcopal Church
26 Willow Drive, 32807-3220 (407) 277-1151 (Locate with Mapquest)
At Christ the King, we strive to be a worshiping, spiritually alive community, caring for one another and sharing the love of Christ with all people through compassionate service and joy.

WE WELCOME ALL to share our diverse fellowship.



The Community of Medhane Alem
P.O. Box 438427, 10961 S Hoyne Avenue, 60643 (309) 266-7174 (Locate with Mapquest)
Medhane Alem is an interdenominational urban spiritual life center in Benedictine tradition, providing services of spiritual ministry, education, and formation rooted in the desert spiritual tradition. Our mission is to cultivate an appreciation of the contemplative way within people’s daily lives.


Morton United Methodist Church
401 S. Carol Ave., 61550 (309) 266-7174 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are an open inclusive church growing in Christ, living in the Spirit, witnessing to the Gospel and responding to the call of discipleship in Jesus Christ.Everyone is welcome.



Bethlehem United Church of Christ
6400 Oak Hill Road, 47725 (812) 867-2497 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a United Church of Christ church which welcomes various theological viewpoints. Our mission is to be inclusive of all people and support their walk with God by providing support in numerous ways.



St. Paul's Episcopal Church
600 West Adams Street, P.O. Box 248, 50801-0248 (641) 782-9591 (Locate with Mapquest)
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s mission is to represent Christ in Southwest Iowa, to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ as we pray, worship, proclaim the Gospel and promote justice, peace and love.


Episcopal Church of the Ascension
205 S. Summit Avenue , 20903 (301) 948-0122 (Locate with Mapquest)

There is a place for you here, wherever you find yourself in your relationship with God and with humanity. We value independent thinking, tolerance of others, and radical hospitality to all of God's children. We are committed disciples of Jesus Christ, and we believe that discipleship is lived out in our daily lives, at work, at home and at school. Church is not the end of our journey, but the starting place.


All Saints Church
10 Irving Street, 01609 (508) 752-3766 (Locate with Mapquest)
Ministry to the diverse and urban neighborhood surrounding All Saints in downtown Worcester reflects the growing diversity of the church gathered on Sunday mornings. Its members span the economic scale, with racial diversity and traditional and nontraditional families and households.


First Presbyterian Church
1600 W. Chisholm, 497079 (989) 354-3381 (Locate with Mapquest)
Ours is a community of faith which seeks to live by our "A-B-C's". Attitude—that it be positive; Belief—remembering that what we believe is not nearly as important as remembering God believes in us and Compassion/Commitment— that we're not so much called to take the Good News to others as we are taken by the Good News to be with others who need us.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1710 E. Superior, 55812 (218) 724-3535 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a church committed to the issues of justice and peace because we are so steeped in the message of the prophets, so responsive to God’s call for us to establish the Kingdom of God here and now, so wedded to our baptismal promises, that we can do no other than reach out in love to seek and serve Christ in all people.

Little Silver

St. John's Episcopal Church
325 Little Silver Point Road, 07739 (732) 741-7826 • (Locate with Mapquest)
Ours is a congregation accepting, encouraging and involving God’s children of all ages and walks of life as we seek to be the hands and heart of Jesus in love and service.


St. Barnabas-by-the-Bay Episcopal Church
13 W. Bates Avenue, 08521 (609) 886-5960 • (Locate with Mapquest)
The mission of St. Barnabas-by-the-Bay is to bear witness to God as known in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and as proclaimed through the Holy Spirit and by our patron Barnabas and his fellow apostles.

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St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
813 Darby Street, 27610 (919) 833-8055 (Locate with Mapquest)
Placing God at the center of our lives, we recruit others to join us as we reclaim and celebrate the love the triune God has bestowed upon us; and through diligence and care for each other, we work to retain and build relationships with all who share our Christian faith and minister to the world.




St. Michael and All Angels
Highway 200, 58838 (701) 572-9278 (Locate with Mapquest)
St. Michael and All Angels is a little Church in the valley of Cartwright which is about 5 miles from the Montana State Line. We are a strong knit community of farmers and ranchers in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana. We are dedicated to worshiping and serving God and growing in His Service.


Gethsemane Episcopal Cathedral
3600 25th St. S, 58104  (701) 232-3394 (Locate with Mapquest)
Gethsemane Cathedral is a place to joyfully sing God's praise, experience God's peace, laugh, cry, meet new friends, have a party, study a book, wrestle with difficult theological questions, and pray. It's a place where you can be yourself, take the risk to grow and change, and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
120 21st Avenue North, 58102 (701) 232-2076 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a community called by Christ through the Holy Spirit: to give thanks to God in weekly common worship, to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources entrusted to us, and to be bearers of God's healing and reconciling love.


St. Peter's Episcopal Church
111 14th Street East, 58801 (701) 572-9278 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a welcoming community and seek to practice the ministry of hospitality towards one another and others in our community. Gathering for worship is the central act of our community where we come for learning and for being fed in the Eucharistic meal. Service is key to our understanding of being a Church.



Trinity Cathedral
2230 Euclid Avenue, 44115 (216) 771-3630 (Locate with Mapquest)
Trinity Cathedral is the Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. Located in downtown Cleveland at the environmentally-friendly Trinity Commons, the Cathedral is the spiritual home of an active and diverse congregation and a hub for worship, community outreach, education, and social justice work.

Shaker Heights

Christ Episcopal Church
3445 Warrensville Center Rd, 44122 (216) 991-3432 (Locate with Mapquest)
Welcome! Christ Church is a community called "to seek and serve Christ in all persons at the crossroads." We seek to embody God's unlimited and inclusive love that embraces, lierates and empowers all peoples.


Trinity Church
1 Trinity Plaza, 43604  (419) 243-1231 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a house of prayer for all people and a community that works toward a vision of God’s Kingdom on earth. We offer the message of Christianity to those who sometimes find organized religion ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive.  We see our faith as an agent of justice and peace.  We are a community that embraces search, not certainty; faith is a process, not a destination.

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Grace Church in Providence
175 Mathewson Street, 02903 (401) 331-3225 (Locate with Mapquest)
The Mission of Grace Church is to build, by the grace of God, a loving and joyful community which lives the gospel through worship, proclamation, and service to each other and to downtown Providence.


St. Michael & Grace Episcopal Church
1336 Pawtucket Avenue, 01760 (401) 434-5012 (Locate with Mapquest)
We are a growing faith community—growing in faith, growing in depth, growing in service, and growing in numbers. We seek fellow pilgrims who will join us in our journey, seeking to know God and to serve God.




Providence Baptist Church
Daniel Island 294 Seven Farms Drive, 29492 (843) 971-5275 (Locate with Mapquest)
We strive to be a loving, inclusive community of Christian believers involved in a moderate Baptist fellowship, living out our faith through participatory worship, spiritual growth, ministry and missions.




Calvary Episcopal Church
102 N. Second Street, 38103 (901) 525-6602
(Locate with Mapquest)
We are an inclusive church that exists so people can: Draw closer to God through worship, discover in community the love and call of Jesus, and serve the world faithfully through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Church of the Holy Communion
4645 Walnut Grove Rd., 38117 (901) 767-6987 (Locate with Mapquest)
Church of the Holy Communion is a growing community of people from a variety of backgrounds – some are life-long Episcopalians, others are very new to the Episcopal Church, and some are from different denominations and faith traditions. What they all have in common is a desire to live a deeper life, and they have all had at least an intimation of God’s presence in some aspect of our life together.

First Baptist Church of Memphis
200 East Parkway N., 38112 (901) 454-1131 (Locate with Mapquest)

The historic First Baptist Church of Memphis is a vibrant, exciting, and growing congregation of Christian believers. The First Baptist Church of Memphis is a faith community seeking to help all persons know God through Jesus Christ, forming them spiritually in the image of Christ, and ministering in the name of Christ. Located in Midtown Memphis, we want to be your church family, so join us in one of our many worship opportunities.

First Congregational Church
1000 South Cooper, 38104 (901) 278-6786 (Locate with Mapquest)
First Congregational is a place to find your faith. We're anchored in traditions that are thousands of years old, and we apply these traditions in ways that make sense today. The love of God is everywhere. It's a matter of learning to see.

First United Methodist Church
204 N. Second Street,, 38105 (901) 527-8362 (Locate with Mapquest)
(Note: First UMC meets at varying locations for worship and fellowship while their church building is being rebuilt following a fire. Please call the church office at (901) 527-8362
for service locations and schedules.)

First United Methodist Church, the "First Church" of any denomination in Memphis, Tennessee. Since 1826 First Church has been the light that unites all people in Jesus Christ, the light that nurtures the life of discipleship and the light that shines with mercy and hope. Explore the many ways you can be part of the "light that unites" our hearts around the love of Jesus Christ that is expressed through the mission of First Church. Come, join us!

Idlewild Presbyterian Church
1750 Union Avenue, 38104 (901) 726-4681 (Locate with Mapquest)
Idlewild Presbyterian Church in Midtown Memphis welcomes you to our active and involved community of faith. The good news of Christ impels us to affirm and nurture each person’s spiritual journey, to explore freely the challenge and wonder of the faith, and to reach out in love and compassion to the needs of the world.

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St. James Episcopal Church
3701 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., 78721 (512) 926-6339 (Locate with Mapquest)
Our goal is to foster a loving and accepting Christian environment in the Episcopal tradition, where all individuals are valued and empowered to use their time, talent and resources in spreading the Good News.


St. George's Episcopal Church
905 Princess Anne Street, 22401
540-373-4133 (Locate with Mapquest)
Our motto is "Growing into Christ + Reaching out in Love." You are welcome at St. George's regardless of race, nationality, sexual orientation or tradition. Our mission is to cultivate Christ through faith by honoring the dignity and gifts of the individual, providing opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal, and embracing the diversity of community. We desire to spend as much on others as we spend on ourselves.


Moses Lake

St. Martin's Episcopal Church
416 E. Nelson Road, 98837 509-765-3369
(Locate with Mapquest)
St. Martin's is a small but dynamic parish. Our people come from all religious backgrounds but are committed to our church and dedicate themselves to this community. Traditions are important to us, but a casual and flexible approach to the service through music and involvement with our youth is also our continuing goal.

Port Angeles

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
510 E. Park Avenue, 98362 360-457-4862
(Locate with Mapquest)
St. Andrew's in Port Angeles has been nurturing spiritual values on the Olympic Peninsula since 1891. Our church is located in the shadow of the Olympic Mountains on the edge of the Olympic National Park at 510 E. Park Avenue. Our mission: "To know Christ and make him known" is accomplished through prayer, study, worship, and community service.


Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church
925 N. Sequim Avenue, 98382 360-452-6184
(Locate with Mapquest)
Located in a vibrant community adjacent to the Olympic Mountains, verdant forests, beautiful streams and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, we work within sight of these majestic examples of God’s creation to fulfill our mission of reaching out and sharing the Good News.


Urban Grace—The Downtown Church
902 Market Street , 98402 253-272-2184
(Locate with Mapquest)
Urban GraceThe Downtown Church: We are called to build a Christian community in downtown Tacoma, welcoming everyone through worship, spiritual education, the arts and social ministry. Urban Grace is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, Northwest and USA and the Presbytery of Olympia, Presbyterian Church , USA.




Peace Lutheran Church
2029 Ware Street , V2S 3C3 604-859-5409
(Locate with Mapquest)
We are a welcoming and open community. In our life and ministry we seek to respond to God’s grace by:

  • reaching out to one another and to the community with the selfless love of Christ
  • equipping, nurturing, and strengthening all to live a Christ-filled life.

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