Welcome to this week's explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter!
Reflections for Your Journey |
The Da Vinci Code Offers People of Faith
Jesus promised that those who seek will find, and The Da
Vinci Code took a whole pile of otherwise spiritually
disengaged people and made them seekers after truth.
The claims in the novel may be true or they may be false,
but I think the important question for faith is whether we can
muster the confidence to ask, "So what?" ...
by Anne Robertson
from "Dancing with Da Vinci"
Challenging Your Belief System |
are times in life when it feels as if everything about our faith is
sinking in sand.
All the answers we have trusted don't seem to satisfy us any
longer, and we begin to question what we have always felt so
sure of before.
It is always a risk to question our belief system, and it
takes a
good measure of courage to begin such questioning.
When we are courageous enough to give serious attention to
such uncertain feelings emerging in our soul, we can feel
unsure as to who we are, what our place is, and how our life
makes any sense at all.
It's this very risk of feeling so unsettled that keeps
many people from ever questioning the faith of their
childhood. ...
by Renee Miller
from "Challenging Your Belief System"
God or the Girl: TV's Higher Calling |
A&E documentary series God or the Girl could so
easily have gone horribly wrong.
The compelling 5-hour program follows four young men
through the final gut-wrenching month of their decision process
before entering the priesthood. ...
Both the program and the process are distinctly Catholic. The
title alone begs the question for non-Catholic believers: why
But for these young men, the question of their lifetime
commitment of service to God contains a celibacy clause,
making their decision significantly more excruciating. ...
by Kevan Breitinger
from "God or the Girl: TV's Higher
Deciphering The Da Vinci Code |
million copies of The Da Vinci Code have been sold since it was first
published in 2003. This Friday, the movie version starring Tom Hanks
opens in theaters. It is expected to be a blockbuster.
What is it about
this book?
The Da Vinci Code Phenomenon
I prepared to have a conversation about the book with
interested members of the congregation I serve. ... Six
hundred people packed the pews. ...
Dan Brown's Gift to the Church
If [The Da Vinci Code] has done nothing else, it has exposed an undercurrent
of suspicion and cynicism directed toward the church ... and we need to
acknowledge the validity of their antagonism toward an imperfect and sometimes
abusive church. ...
A Look at the Book
Everywhere you go you meet people who say, for example, "I
don't believe the Bible" ... These are the same people ... who are
picking up The Da Vinci Code in droves. ...
What if The Da Vinci Code makes
me uncertain about what I really
Deciphering The Da Vinci Code