explorefaith.org Newsletter
August 31, 2005

In this issue
  • Send an explorefaith e-card
  • Reflections for Your Journey
  • Essays on Thomas Merton, Rumi, St. Francis of Assisi and Julian of Norwich.

  • Reflections for Your Journey
    Reflections for Your Journey

    A Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

    O God, we remember when the disciples of Jesus were terrified after a long night on a turbulent sea. When they cried to you for help, you stilled the sea and brought them to safety.

    We ask now that you comfort and still the hearts of those suffering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. We pray for those who have been displaced and who now must return to homes destroyed or damaged by the storm.

    We pray for those whose lives were lost and for those who now must grieve the loss of a loved one. We pray for those who are attempting to offer help and relief to victims.

    While we wonder why such devastation can occur, where lives and property can seem held so capriciously in the hand of what is uncontrollable, we know, O God, that you count every hair on our head and that our names are written on the palm of your hand.

    Let your loving grace wash over those who must now face damaged lives, homes, and possessions. Hold them close to yourself until they are sure of the security of your loving embrace. Calm their hearts and still their souls, O Lord. We ask this for the sake of your love. AMEN.

    by Renee Miller

    Inside the Soul

    Featuring an interview with Natural Spirituality author and dream mentor Joyce Rockwood Hudson

    "The key to inner work is the ongoing dialogue between these two--between consciousness and the unconscious. Natural Spirituality is about tuning into that dialogue."

    by Joyce Rockwood Hudson

    Inside the Soul

    Essays on Thomas Merton, Rumi, St. Francis of Assisi and Julian of Norwich.

    They are often as close as our nightstand. They patiently wait with words that soak deep into our consciousness and experiences that assure us that the spiritual life far surpasses wishful thinking.

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