with Renée Miller
this guided prayer <mp3>
When life’s trials steal your joy
And mem’ries hard surround your heart
When pain o’ertakes and settles in your soul
It’s heav’n alone can make you whole.
Music: "Jesu dulcis memoria, plainsong, Mode
Hymnal 1982
for Prayer
As you listen to the ringing of the bell, let the closed pockets
of your soul open to the gracious, healing presence of God.
“There’s nothing in our lives beyond the seeing eye
of the Holy One. There’s no inner conflict, fear, stress,
loss, or despair beyond the heart of the Holy One. There’s
no moment when the arms are unwilling to take us in.” —Renee
Miller, Fertile Soil
in a Barren Land
not let your hearts be troubled.” —John
“At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast
love, answer me. With your faithful help rescue me from sinking
in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep
waters. Do not let the flood sweep over me, or the deep swallow
me up, or the Pit close its mouth over me. Answer me, O Lord, for
your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn
to me. Do not hide your face from your servant, for I am in distress—make
haste to answer me. Draw near to me, redeem me, set me free.”
69: 13b-18a
Reading from the Bible
“What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man said
to him, “My teacher, let me see again.” Jesus said to
him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately
he regained his sight and followed him on the way.” —Mark
followed by Silence
The loss of our job, or a death of someone we love, or the revelation
that our child is addicted to drugs, or the news of an impending
national crisis, or the announcement by our doctor that we have
a terminal illness, or the complete disintegration of our financial
future can make us feel we’ve been cut in strips and abandoned
on a road to fend for ourselves without the resources to bring us
back to full life. When
we’re in the throes of these struggles, all we want is to
escape. We want to go where no one will try to tell us our troubles
aren’t so bad.
no one will tell us to "get over it and get a life." Where
no one will minimize or diminish our feelings of despair. The darkness
does abate. After time has passed and the silhouettes of light have
emerged on our personal horizon, we look back and find that in the
midst of what had been so horrific, the gift of grace was there,
sitting as still as a well-behaved child.
there in the pit from which we thought there was no reprieve, the
Spirit of God was standing over us. The very troubles that seemed
so difficult, the very things we would never have wanted to be exposed
to, the very things we would not have chosen for ourselves actually
become a means of life and blessing for us. Ask yourself, “When
have the trials of my life been a means of blessing?”
Take some moments now to offer the concerns of your heart to heaven.
Remember those who are in pain, those who are afraid, those who
are alone, those whom you love, those who are dying, and those who
are already in heaven, and pray for the healing of your own soul.
for Expressing Gratitude
“Gracious God, in the busy-ness of my day, I sometimes forget
to stop to thank you for all that is good in my life. My blessings
are many and my heart is filled with gratefulness for the gift of
living, for the ability to love and be loved, for the opportunity
to see the everyday wonders of creation, for sleep and water, for
a mind that thinks and a body that feels. I thank you, too, for
those things in my life that are less than I would hope them to
be. Things that seem challenging, unfair, or difficult. When my
heart feels stretched and empty, and pools of tears form in my weary
eyes, still I rejoice that you are as near to me as my next breath
and that in the midst of turbulence, I am growing and learning.
In the silence of my soul, I thank you most of all for your unconditional
and eternal love. Amen.” —from Prayers
for Living
May your experiences of pain and struggle in life be blessed with
God’s healing touch. May God’s grace wash over you and
weave together the tattered strands of your hurting soul, until
your pain is eased into peace.
Closing Thought with Chant
In your pain and in your joy know that you are loved by God—boundlessly,
unconditionally, and eternally.
“Look well within, wake to your soul
Touch the awe that makes you whole.
Open your eyes, to realize
The wonder of your soul.””
Text: Renee Miller
Music: Thomas Pavlechko
Wellspring, Selah Publishing
Copyright ©1999-2007
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