December 27, 2006

Reflections for Your Journey

In this issue
  • Receiving God
  • Send an e-card from explorefaith
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • New! Being Like Jesus
  • Support explorefaith

  • Send an e-card from explorefaith

    and the word became flesh e-card

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    What is holiness?

    The holiness of God is both the majesty of God incarnate and the wonder of God beyond sight.

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    New! Being Like Jesus

    Jesus with 

    Dear God, Thank you for loving me no matter what I do or do not do.

    Help my heart be as big as yours, so I am able to love others as you love me. Amen.

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    Simple Prayers to help us
    see with his eyes, feel with his heart

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    Receiving God

    God's presence is more likely to be found in the trust of a little child than in the worldly wisdom of one who has made their compromises and has ceased to believe in that in which he or she cannot see, touch and feel. That which we might call naive trust turns out to be God's presence, God's gift. He who receives the baby Jesus with the trust of a little child, of such is the Kingdom of God.

    God chose to come into the world as a baby child, not as a prophet's message, not as a spirit, not even as words, but as a human being. In doing so, God has said that the life of flesh is good. He has said in this birth that God adores us and blesses us and looks at us and says, "It is good." God loves us so much that in order to communicate with us, God has spoken in our language, the language we can understand, the language of being human.

    from The Christmas Story
    by Bill Kolb

    Meditate with Poetry

    Then, all at once, the pattern
    Of eternity, in infant form,
    Descends on unsuspecting earth.

    from "Unbroken Peace"
    by Renée Miller

    Choosing to Be Human Trisk Knot

    Incarnation is about God choosing to be one of us, so that we might become communities of compassion, mercy, courage, justice, care, Godís embodied presence here and now.

    from A Celtic Christmas
    by Mary Earle

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