December 13, 2006

Reflections for Your Journey

In this issue
  • Waiting Silently
  • An Advent Prayer
  • Send an e-card from explorefaith
  • Questions of Faith and Doubt
  • Ministering Angels

  • An Advent Prayer

    Grant me O God the capacity to wait in hope, to allow your own loving-kindness to grow in me, for the life of your world. Amen.

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    explorefaith Christmas e-card

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    Questions of Faith and Doubt

    How can I know when it is God who is speaking to me?

    Whenever you are trying to discern the will of God, quietly sense the quality of your deepest being. Wait patiently.

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    Ministering Angels


    They are ever ready to step into the breach between those tenuous times in life when we are overwhelmed by the lure and pull of misplaced desire and the times of silent and sacred space that clasps and cradles us in stillness.

    from Thinking of Angels
    by Renée Miller

    Waiting Silently
    Advent: Longing and Waiting

    Waiting in silence, creating space for steadfast love to grow within, may be the most essential practice of all. It is in many ways the spirit of Advent, that time of the Christian liturgical year when we practice the waiting of gestation and hoping, of trusting in new life not yet fully known.

    from Waiting in Silence
    by Mary C. Earle

    The Days of Waiting
    A Thought-a-Day Advent Calendar

Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality Dissatisfied with the various traditions they left behind, the Seekers were drawn together because they were convinced that true religion is rooted in the inward life. They rejected all outward ritual and religious formalism and practiced silence as a means of cultivating the inner spiritual journey.

    from Holy Silence:
    The Gift of Quaker Spirituality

    by J. Brent Bill
    reviewed by Kim Jocelyn Dickson

    Why Be Silent?
    It was as if I had protected myself by busyness, words, activities, and never taken the time to hear, receive, or feel what God wanted to give me, without my saying a word or doing a thing.

    As we know, God is always with us; it is in turning to God, without words, and allowing ourselves to be in the mystery of silence that we begin to see the world differently, and by the "world" I mean the outer but most particularly the inner.

    from Why Be Silent?
    by The Rev. Margaret W. Jones

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