Surprised by Mary |

Mary is the chief disciple precisely because she shows us
how to wait on God, expect God, have awe for God, and hope
for God, but not with an easy credulity. Hers was not an
unquestioning belief.
from Surprised
by Mary
by Jon M. Sweeney, author of
Strange Heaven: The Virgin Mary as Woman, Mother,
Disciple and Advocate
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
Is it all right to be
spiritual without being religious?
There is an immense amount of freedom in how you give
voice and substance to the spiritual longing you feel within.
Read more
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Waiting Patiently |
What would it be like if we were to change our
attitude for a
year and experiment with a tradition of waiting and
preparation? It might be that we would find the party
at the
end much more glorious. We might also find that
waiting for
God's coming helped make it possible for us to wait
gracefully for other things in our
In other words, we might
that practicing waiting in Advent might help us be
patient the rest of the year.
But, even more surprising, we might find that the
practice of
waiting helped us become more aware, more
attentive to the
presence of God that is always coming into our
from Waiting
with Awareness
by The Rev. Canon RenČe Miller
The Days of Waiting
A Thought-a-Day
Advent Calendar
Heaven on earth, we need it
—U2, Peace on
For all that we suffer, for all that we struggle, there
is also a
promise. A promise that one day all this will end. One
God will come, one day Christ will return, one day
there will
be heaven on earth, or at least earth will be caught
up into
heaven, and the tables will be turned, good will
triumph over
evil and right over wrong, and there will be peace,
and love,
and joy.
Bridging the Betweens
by Raewynne J. Whiteley
excerpted from Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching
the U2