Prayers for Finding Peace |
Forgive me, most gracious Lord and Father, if this day I have
done or said anything to increase the pain of the
Prayers for Peace
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
Why does God let bad
things happen in the world?
God loves us and grieves with us in our pain when "bad
things" happen.
Read more
Eight Short Questions that Really Matter |
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Living Spiritually in an Arguing World |
Why We Need Reconciliation
Christian faith was born in a conflicted world. Isnít it
tempting to just resign ourselves to the idea that
conflict is
all there is and just get on with life?
We need reconciliation because without it we are
unable to
see Godís intended reconciliation. To practice the
presence of
God requires the practice of reconciliationówhether
we want
to be reconciled or not. Herein was Jesusí earthly
work: to
show us this truth.
Jesusí lesson for the first century, for our century,
and for
future centuries is that diverse peoples must learn to
to pass beyond their individual understandings of
reality and
reorient themselves in the ways of God, who allows
the sun
to rise on the evil and the good; who sends the rain
on the
righteous and on the unrighteous.
Jesus is teaching us a hard lesson: If we can love
the other,
those of other cultures, other nations, even other
worldviews, we will open ourselves to the higher
reality that
we are all children of God.
an excerpt from Practicing
Reconciliation in a Violent World
by Michael Battle
more Thoughts
on Strife and Unity
Explore Practices
for Finding Peace