Prayers to Learn by Heart |
Francis's Song Of
This was Francis of Assisi's favorite of his prayers:
O most high, almighty, good Lord God,
to you belong praise, glory, honor, and all blessing!
Praised be my Lord God with all your creatures,
and especially our Brother Sun,
who brings us the day and who brings us the light.
more of this prayer
Meditating with Poetry |
Into the sudden stillness is reborn
The ancient singing of creation's song,
Long silenced but remembered.
Reading and writing poetry takes us into that place of deep
feeling that leads to prayer.
from "Transformation"
by Helen Schucman
more of this poem
Questions of Faith and Doubt |
What if I'm not certain
what I believe?
The claims of faith are enormous and, by any reasonable
standard, should kindle in us confusion, questions,
uncertainties and doubts.
Read more
An Exclusive |
How relationships within the community, between men and
women, and with those of other faiths are understood in:
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Light Still Shining |
The Legacy of St. Francis
Francis of Assisi brought light into the darkness of the late
Middle Ages. He was…the ěMorning Star,î or sun, that
rises from the East to shine new light upon the dawn.
Francisís life was full of poetry—both lived and
Francis knew inner doubt and conflict. He often wondered
whether or not his life—wandering around the hill-top
towns of Umbria, preaching the Good News, caring for
lepers, talking with and caring for animals—was really
Godís work, or some sort of ruse. I love him for that. I pray
to Francis in my own moments of self-doubt, asking him to
help me in having the clarity of vision to see God at work in
my life.
from I
Walk with St. Francis of Assisi
by Jon M. Sweeney
The Other Side of Faith
Because faith is a mystery, we will find ourselves from time
to time experiencing doubt, and questioning the very things
we have been taught are true.
In truth, doubt is simply the other side of faith.
from When
You are Troubled by Doubt
by Renée Miler
Who We Want to Be
It was St. Francis who said, "Preach the Gospel wherever you
go, and if necessary, use words." But in order to continue
throughout our lives as people of hope, we have to do some
real overcoming.
Who Are Your Heroes?
by The Rev. William A. Kolb