The Abundant Life of the 23rd Psalm |
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not
want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He
leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul.
This most beloved of psalms assures
us of God's nurturing,
loving care for us—each of us, each of us by
name—a God who wants to make sure that we are
alright, we are safe, we are at peace by the still waters and
in the green pastures of life.
from The
Abundant Life of the 23rd Psalm
by The Rev. William A. Kolb
Your Questions |
Why are there so
many disagreements about certain passages in the Bible?
...the question goes back to differences over what the Bible
is, how much authority it should have in our lives, and what
it means, exactly, to say that the Bible is "true."
An Exclusive |
THIS WEEK: Leadership and Authority
For what purposes, by whom, and how are community
leadership and authority established in:
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Finding Treasure in an Irish Bog |
Last month, a bulldozer driver in
Ireland discovered an ancient book of psalms that had lain
buried for a millennium. According to experts, it
is the first discovery of a Medieval Celtic manuscript in
We wonder, what does it tell us of the life and spirit of
the ancient Celts? In some ways, the Celtic book
of psalms found in late July in the bog in Ireland is a
metaphoróan invitation during this period of fierce arguing
about the text and its meaning.
The psalter was carried by hand by some
unknown faithful man or woman who loved the psalms
and used them as daily food for reflection and
prayer. We do not know how the book landed in the
bog. From an archaeological standpoint, it is a good
thing that it didófor that allowed it to be
From a symbolic standpoint, the living Word emerges
from the bog of our arguing and our opinions. The
Word in whom all things hold together comes to us
from this place of primal, dark earth, comes forth
where we least expect it, comes forth speaking of
both human devotion and art and of the strange
mystery of Presence when we least expect it.
Reflections on the Celtic Psalter
by Mary Earle
Can I Touch the Edge of Heaven?
A thin place is where the veil that separates heaven
and earth is lifted and one is able to receive a glimpse
of the glory of God.
by Sylvia Maddox
Explore Celtic
The Last Word:
Beyond the Bible Wars to a New Understanding of the
Authority of Scripture
by N.T. Wright
reviewed by Jeffrey Needle
The power of scripture to change lives and to set
agendas lies not in its printed pages, but rather in the God
who acts through the words on those pages.
What do you suppose would happen if we boldly let go
of all that others have done and all that life has
done to us—and, all that we have done to others and