Dear Cyndy,
Reflections for Your Journey |
Songs of Love
Both the gift and the burden of the Christian vocation is
to love,
to love others into wholeness.
So when you and I look at the world around us, at the
heartbreaking suffering of it and at the heartbreaking beauty of
it, are we able to refuse our calling? Are we able not
to love?
God needs us.
God needs our eyes to see through and
our hands to work through and our voices to speak the words
of comfort and companionship. God needs our tears to express
the passion of his heart.
And giving ourselves to God to use this way is precisely
how we can sing to God our love song, our most beautiful and
bursting love song.
And all of this is also how we can do our part to begin to
transform the suffering of the world into the great, swelling
anthem of rejoicing for which it was intended.
by The Rev. Margaret Gunness
from "The Gift and the Burden of Love"
A Valentine from God |
Sit back now for a minute and journey with me to when you
were a kid. ... Remember something like this?
There was a girl or a boy in [your] ... class you never
noticed before. Along about the fifth grade, you began to say,
"She's kind of nice or he's kind of nice," and you found yourself
making sure you were somewhere in the hall where she or he
was. ...
You thought a few times about
picking up the phone and calling her, but you wouldn't dare do
that. ...
Then came Valentine's Day ...
by The Rev. Dr. Daniel Matthews
former Rector, Trinity Church, Wall Street
from "A Valentine from God"
I Don't Like Valentine's Day |
As a single person with two failed marriages (one of which
ended on Valentine's Day), I don't relish the focus on the
delights of romantic love. ... I tend to face the day by pulling
the covers over my head. ...
by Anne Robertson
from "Signposts: Daily Devotions" for February 14, 2006
Read this entire signpost on Feb. 14
Send a Valentine e-card |
Thoughts from the Heart
Tell your friends and loved ones you care this
Valentine's Day.
Send a Valentine e-card!