Reflections for Your Journey |
A Prayer For Staying Spiritually Centered
Gracious God, it seems that what most holds my attention are
those things and people that I can see, touch, hear, and feel.
Yet, in the moments of my day when my mind is still, my
soul is quiet, and my breath is slow and even, I can almost
detect a whiff of your presence.
These precious times are all too fleeting; they slip away almost
as quickly as they come. The phone rings, my child cries, a
colleague needs my assistance, or my mind just simply gets
Help me know, O God, that you are still present with me, even
in my distractions and interruptions. But also help me savor
those spiritually centered moments so much that I will make
room in my life for more of them.
When I am impatient because I can't see, touch, hear, or feel
you, let your love seep surely into me until my heart turns
back to you in surprise and delight. Amen.
from "Prayers for Living"
When You are Troubled by Doubt |
Because faith is a mystery, we will find ourselves from
time to time experiencing doubt, and questioning the very
things we have been taught are true.
Some religious traditions try to keep doubt from ever
the surface, because there is a concern that it will not only
people to question the institutional faith they have been given,
but will also steer them into unhealthy and dangerous belief
systems. ...
by Renée Miller
from "Your Spiritual Coach"
The Christian Bar Mitzvah? |
Bar mitzvah literally means "son of the
commandment" in Hebrew, and bat (pronounced like
jot) mitzvah is "daughter of the commandment."
In Jewish tradition, these terms refer to a child who has come
of age ... It is a state of being, not an event. ...
Christian kids are oftentimes invited to their friends' bar/bat
mitzvah celebrations, and, not surprisingly, many of these kids
want their parents to throw similar parties for them.
But Christians need to be careful about adopting Jewish
ceremonies toward Christian ends. ...
by Jon Sweeney
from "In the News and ON OUR MINDS"
is the essence of America's Gospel? |
read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid
against the other. ... The prayers of both could
not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The
Almighty has His own purposes."
from Abraham Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural
Who amongst us today, at a similar historical crossroads,
would not bluster on and on about how our side is good and
their side is evil? ...
is the essence of
America's Gospel?