explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter
January 18, 2006


In this issue
  • White China
  • Reflections for Your Journey
  • How do you Make God Laugh? Tell Him Your Plans
  • Help from Your Spiritual Coach

  • Reflections for Your Journey
    Reflections for Your Journey

    The Truth of Myth
    In her book Amazing Grace, Kathleen Norris has written that a myth may not be true on the outside, but is true on the inside.

    Perhaps the best example of this is the Garden of Eden story in Genesis. It is a myth. The story did not happen in human history, yet it is still true.

    The creation myth reveals one of the most basic truths of the human condition--that we humans think and act as though we are the masters of our universe, that we don't need God.

    The first man and first woman thought that because they were in a perfect environment, they must be perfect, too.

    Their mistake--their "fall"--was the result of their hubris; their conviction that they didn't need direction or guidance from the one who created the perfect garden.

    We have retold this myth over the centuries to remind ourselves of the truth of our hubris; and the truth of our death.

    Myths lead us into the deepest mysteries of life and death, and guide us through them.

    by The Rev. Mark Beckwith
    from "What proof is there that Christianity is not a myth created to assuage our fears about death?"

    How do you Make God Laugh? Tell Him Your Plans
    Faith and Life

    "We all go through life thinking that we're going to live forever, that we're invincible, thinking that everything will go the way we hope and plan.

    But, if you live long enough, you realize that just isn't so. You know [the saying], 'How do you make God laugh? You tell him your plans.'"

    Gary Malkin

    Film and Television Composer Gary Malkin finds a way forward through grief, injury and divorce.

      Listen to a selection from Gary Malkin's CD Graceful Passages: "Be Here Now," by Gary Remal Malkin
      © 2000 Companion Arts.

    Help from Your Spiritual Coach
    Your Spiritual Coach

    Fear of Dying
    Though you are not aware of this fear of death on a daily basis, it actually motivates many of your actions and decisions throughout life. ...

    Much of the fear comes not from something specific that you know about death, but from the fact that you don't know! ...

    by Renee Miller
    from "Your Spiritual Coach - Fear of Dying"

    White China

    "God comes to us not when we're perfect white china figures, but in all our messy, meaty humanity, our confusion and pain."

    "In my middle age, I have decided that virtually everything that is spiritually right is messy, and that virtually everything that is extremely neat and orderly probably hasn't been kicked hard enough yet to show how messy it really is."

    from White China:
    Finding the Divine in the Everyday

    by Molly Wolf

    Reviewed by Heidi Schlumpf

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