Reflections for Your Journey |
When It Seems Your Prayers Are Unanswered
While you live within the bounds of earth?s time and want an
answer from heaven that is on your timetable, it?s important to
remember that God is outside of time.
As one friend of mine says, ?God?s clock has no hands.?
Even when it doesn?t feel like anything at all is happening, God
is hearing and answering.
And you might be surprised to find that what you are seeking
comes not when you want it, but just at the moment that
you need it.
by Renee Miller, your Spiritual Coach
We Can Make a Difference |
I've never been much of one to celebrate [the new year] with
bells or cymbals or staying up into the wee morning hours.
Rather, I tend to get reflective and prayerful, and become
keenly aware of things as they are and things as they might
yet become.
For example, I find myself asking ...
from "Reflections on a New Year"
by Peggy Gunness
Where Do We Go From Here? |
The holiday season has become for lots of people more of an
obstacle than a celebration? something to be endured
and survived. ...
The problem with that attitude is that it reveals exactly how
mistaken we are about the nature of Christmas. ...
from "Where Do We Go
From Here?"
by Bob Hansel
How to Find the Way Forward |
A job change beckons or is forced upon us: What
now? ...
We're in a very unhappy marriage: How much effort
to rebuild trust and intimacy is enough? ...
We're wrestling with decisions about the care of elderly
parents: How do we balance family responsibility with our
own personal needs and boundaries? ...
We pray for God's guidance, and nothing seems to come back.
No skywriting, no burning bush. What do we do? ...
an excerpt from
"Becoming Human: How to Find the Way Forward"
by Brian Taylor
More excerpts from Becoming Human