explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter
November 9, 2005

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In this issue
  • Marcus Borg
  • Reflections for Your Journey
  • Your Spiritual Coach: Strengthening Your Marriage
  • Saints, Prophets & Spiritual Guides

  • Reflections for Your Journey
    Reflections for Your Journey

    Living with the Saints
    Saints aren't just the people officially sainted by the Roman Catholic Church; they are all believers, all who have chosen to follow the Way of the Christ, however imperfectly.

    Not one of us fails to charge off the path and into the bramble bushes, sometimes quite frequently. Not one of us fails to get it wrong at least once a week and probably much more often than that.

    It was a saint who invented that lovely prayer: "God, today I have not been nasty or rude; I have not given or taken offense; I have not done wrong; I have fulfilled your will. Now, God, please be with me, because in a minute or so I'm going to have to get out of bed."

    But saints have shown us that there is the possibility of living Godwardly in this life, however imperfectly we do it. Saints are simply people who have chosen to point their lives in what they believe is God's direction, and there are enough lives pointed in the same direction that it begins to look like a long procession of people, all walking the same path, keeping each other company.

    by Molly Wolf
    --from "Signposts Daily Devotions"

    Your Spiritual Coach: Strengthening Your Marriage
    Your Spiritual Coach

    Deepening Spiritual Bonds in Marriage

    When two people wed, they become, in the eyes of God, one flesh.

    Even though spiritual bonds may not have been established before marriage, there are still opportunities for couples to explore what it means to have their souls be in union with each other and God.

     by RenĂ©e Miller

    Saints, Prophets & Spiritual Guides
    Saints, Prophets & Spiritual Guides

    What can these people mean to us now? How can they help us envision new realties in which a relationship with God is the core from which all thoughts and actions spread?

    It is our hope that these essays may kindle thoughts of those spiritual teachers who have molded your life, and perhaps spur you to explore a few you might not have known.

    Marcus Borg
    Marcus Borg

    The renowned author and Jesus scholar shares his thoughts on spirituality and the essence of faith.

    More from Marcus Borg

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