explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter
November 2, 2005

In this issue
  • Stepping Stones for Spiritual Growth
  • Reflections for Your Journey
  • Understanding Islam
  • In the News & On Our Minds

  • Reflections for Your Journey
    Reflections for Your Journey

    Dealing With Fear
    Fear is hardwired into our brains as a mechanism for self-preservation. For example, we might be driving down the street and suddenly another car pulls in front of us. Fear is what activates our bodies and minds to deal with that threat, so we instinctively swerve out of the way to avoid a collision. 

    In this sense, fear can save our lives. This is healthy fear?an awareness and respect for what is dangerous in life.

    There is, however, an unhealthy kind of fear....Unhealthy fear is fear that controls us and consumes us. These fears ?blackmail? us, rob us of the joy and abundance of life that God has intended for us. 

    Many years ago, one of my mentors in the counseling field stated that he believed most of our psychological problems in life were rooted in fear. I have come to agree with him. 

    Fear is a double-edged sword; it can save us, and it can destroy us. 

    How can we preserve the place of healthy fear in our lives, and protect ourselves from the death-dealing effects of unhealthy fear?

    --from "Dealing with Fear" 
    by Rod Spencer

    Understanding Islam
    Anise Mehdi

    Anisa Mehdi
    Talks about being Muslim in America

    Pre and Post September 11
    We were always encouraged to explore our own spirituality. We were never told: This is what you need to believe. Simultaneously, we were learning about Islam.

    Religion, Terrorism & Politics
    What people are angry about is what human beings have been angry about forever. ... It?s all politics. It really has nothing to do with religion.

    Women's Rights and Islamic Law
    I would also like the stories to be told of what the reality was for Muslim women in the early days of Islam. That is very different from what we see typically in the media today.

    In the News & On Our Minds
    In the News and ON OUR MINDS

    I?m Not a Pope, But I Play One on TV
    And now, the most popular and important Catholic of the last half century?Pope John Paul II?is to become the subject of a CBS television mini-series. He will, in fact, be played by a Catholic.

    It wouldn?t be necessary to have a Catholic play the most popular pope in recent memory, or perhaps in history, but it helps. Who has the honor?

     by Jon M. Sweeney

    Stepping Stones for Spiritual Growth
    Stepping Stones for Spiritual Growth

    Stepping Stones essays look at issues from a spiritual and theological perspective.




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