the spiritual life is being spiritual in every situation in which
we find ourselves. For example, if you come home tired and you
don’t feel like cooking, and you suggest to your spouse
that you go out to eat and your spouse doesn’t think you
should spend the money, what is your reaction? Do you sulk, pout,
fix dinner angrily, and become silent during dinner? Your immediate
reaction is the barometer of your spiritual life. What if you’re
at work trying to meet a deadline, feeling pressured, stressed,
and somewhat put upon, and your boss brings in a new project that
is important and asks that you begin working on it today. What
is your response? Do you smile sweetly and feel anger rising in
your throat or lower back? Do you begin a litany of the things
that you are already involved in that are taking
time and energy and that you just can’t do one more thing
without falling apart?
immediate reaction is the barometer of your spiritual life. You
can begin the journey of holiness by examining your reactions
and attitudes to the daily doses of life you are given, for if
you cannot find your spirituality there, it is unlikely you would
find it if you were free of all responsibilities and had the luxury
of thinking of no one but yourself and God. It is the day to day,
the minute to minute, the joy and the sorrow, the bitter and the
sweet that is the training ground for holiness. So pay attention
to your life.
--Renee Miller, "Pay
Attention to Your Life"

Place for Reflection
Every major religion has some form of spiritual practice of attention
or mindfulness. Whether it is meditation or simple awareness,
spiritual depth occurs when there is focus and singularity. The
number of possessions that we have, the amount of material goods
that fill our lives, the clutter that seems to gather all around
our living areas, crowd out attention and focus. Our minds, thoughts,
energies are dispersed in myriad directions, and in the cacophony
of competing claims on us, we cannot seem to find our center,
our sense of clarity, our touch with the sacred, our experience
of God. One way that I have helped people begin to reclaim that
holy core that exists within us is to lead them through the process
of creating a simple space within their own home where what is
divine may be drawn out. You can begin the process yourself by
trying the following exercise:
Choose an area of your home that you find particularly attractive
or peaceful. It might be a room, or a corner in a room. It might
be a closet or a stairwell. It might be windowless or flooded
with light. The size of the space is not important.
Begin to clear out that space until it is completely empty of
Bring a chair or a sitting pillow into the room and sit for several
minutes, feeling the emptiness of the space.
Be attentive to the images and impressions that float across your
mind. What do you feel is missing in the space? What does the
space seem to 'want'? If you were going to meet God in this space,
what would you want it to look like?
Record in a journal your thoughts and ideas.
Begin to bring items into the space one at a time. You might bring
such things as a candle, a favorite rock, an icon, a cross, a
vase of fresh flowers, a beautifully woven blanket, a holy book,
a beautiful piece of glass, a table, etc. Avoid bringing in several
items at once because it is much too easy to begin to 'fill' the
space rather than 'draw out' from the space.
Again, sit in your space being mindful of the change in the space
as each item is added. If you feel you have put in too much, take
out items one by one just as you put them in. You will know when
you have just enough - the space will feel hallowed.
When it is 'just right,' take off your shoes, enter the space,
and offer it and yourself to the God who is One.
You will find that you do not have to force yourself to go into
your sacred space. The space and the Spirit in the space will
call you from the busyness of your life into that inner stillness
where hope and holiness meet.
--Renee Miller, "Creating
a Sacred Space"