The Reverend Alan P.R. Gregory
Frederic and Alma R. Duncalf Associate Professor of Church History
Seminary of the Southwest
Austin, Texas
Professor Gregory taught historical and systematic theology and served as Director of Academic Studies at Salisbury and Wells Theological College, England, before coming to the U.S. for doctoral studies at Emory University in the late 1980s. He earned his Ph.D. in historical theology, specializing in Romanticism and the work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Dr. Gregory is the author of two books, Moving Gnomes by Midnight, a volume of sermons, and Coleridge and the Conservative Imagination, in addition to being a contributor to the forthcoming Oxford Guide to Romanticism.
Professor Gregory has complemented his teaching and research with service in several parochial ministries in Britain and Atlanta, Georgia. Currently, he is writing a book on the Anglican mystic, William Law, and is interested in the theology of the Holy Spirit in the 18th century. Dr. Gregory is particularly concerned with the integration of theology and spirituality. He joined the Seminary of the Southwest faculty in 1995 and became Associate Dean in 2004.